If, however, you come across a problem you can rely on our global support team and your three-year warranty to get it sorted. To install the driver for your product please follow the steps below. Why am I seeing a selection of brands? Für die anderen Scarlett-Modelle der ersten und zweiten Generation, sowie für alle Scarlett-Modelle der dritten Generation, laden Sie Focusrite Control-Software herunter.

If you're using recording software then make sure you select the Focusrite ASIO driver in the audio settings for that software. Focusrite USB Driver will not install on my Windows 7 machine (digital signature problem), How to uninstall Focusrite drivers on Windows.

This means you only need to download the control software. SCARLETT 2I4 USB DRIVER (scarlett_2i4_5237.zip) Download Now SCARLETT 2I4 USB DRIVER.