
Facebook messenger firefox dark theme
Facebook messenger firefox dark theme

But if anyone else knows a better way, a way where you don't need to send out 1 extra dummy message for Firefox and Edge per function call, that would be great! It sucks that anything inside the content script is not persistent, and even if you store information about what platform the code is being run on, you still have to fetch the information from the background script before filtering out which runtime. In the second if statement, by checking to see if the return value of a window. So I'm asking what better ways are there, out there, that is useful to detect the different platforms, and handle message passing callbacks properly at the same time? With all that said, my main question is: How to write a message passing function that can handle callbacks properly? I truly felt this is a hacky solution, because the code is based off of browser platform exclusive quirks in order to separate chrome. And this solution is not helpful for me when handling message callbacks when using namespace.

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Unfortunately, because of the issue I'm experiencing VM not runningI cannot tell if window. On the content scripts, you can declare the following JavaScript snippet at the top in order to create a global variable that can be referenced everywhere else.

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Facebook messenger firefox dark theme